Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

The top 10 search results are retrieved for your keyword. Then the link data of the scoring websites is retrieved through SEMrush. From these link data, links and unique domains, the average and median is calculated. This gives you an indication to get started with link building and with SEO in general.

Help, I see no results?!

For the specified keyword, SEMrush has no data. This can happen with long-tail or unpopular keywords or if a wrong country is chosen.

What can I do with the results?

The results give you an indication of how much effort you can put into achieving a top 10 position for the keyword of your choice. You will see soon enough if you need to adjust your keyword(s) or start building links.

Which keyword should I choose?

A good keyword is the search phrase your target audience is searching for. It should cover the scope of your product, service or subject and contain the right intention (researching, informing, commercial, etc). Get inside the head of your ideal customer or visitor. What is he/she/it looking for?

Where does the backlink data come from?

The data is obtained via the API of SEMrush. The results for your keyword, match the data you see in SEMrush. Try it yourself »

There is data missing from the URLs

When not all 10 URLs are shown, SEMrush has no data available for the URL in question. The results on the page are calculated based on the available data.

What are backlinks?

Inbound links are links from external websites to pages of your website. The common term for inbound links is 'backlinks'.

Why can I only analyze 3 times?

To keep this tool free and to give everyone the chance to use it, only 3 analyses per day are possible. After 24 hours you can do another 3 analyses. Thanks for your support!

I have more links than the competitor, now what?

In addition to links, the content on the page, technology of the website and overall user experience (e.g. loading time) are important for achieving top positions. Check whether the texts are readable for search engines and whether the topic matches the search intentions of users. In addition, a link profile analysis is advisable to see if the links are actually valuable.

Are only links important for a top ranking?

No, but it is a very important factor. Besides links, your page must contain good content, be 'readable' for search engines, offer a good user experience and above all answer the questions of the visitor.

What is the difference between a backlink and an internal link?

A backlink comes from an external website. An internal link refers to pages within your own website. Pro SEO tip: Make sure you have your internal linking in order. Don't underestimate the power of internal links!

Is a social mention the same as a backlink?

No. Links from social media are good to get visitors to your website, but for search engines these backlinks do not count. This is because the profile is not available to search engines and the content is dynamic in nature.

How do I build more authority?

You build authority by getting more backlinks to your website. But the number of links is not the only thing that matters. The website where the link comes from must have authority to pass it on through the link. The more authority the linking website has, the more authority a link can pass on.

What is a good backlink?

A good backlink for your website is: relevant, has authority and transmits this (for example: no nofollow attribute or javascript link). The website on which the link is placed and the texts (and possibly other links) around the link also count.

How do you get backlinks?

You can get links by, for example, approaching websites and simply asking for a link (think of suppliers, partners, etc), post articles on other websites, publish press releases, create a tool and offer it for free use (like this one), follow up mentions, etc. Plenty of ideas, but in summary, you'll get the best links if you create something conversational yourself that people will want to link to "of their own accord".

The more backlinks the better?

No, no backlink is rated equal. For backlinks, quality over quantity applies. Authority of the website give a link its value. This is an important factor, but also relevance and whether or not these factors are optimally transferred.

What is link building?

Link building is the term we use for a strategy you implement to get more links to your website, with the goal of greater visibility in the search engines.

How do you apply link building?

Link building is possible for all URLs of your website. A good starting point is a link analysis of the websites of your (online) competitors.

What is link building good for?

Link building is good for increasing visibility in search engines. Every incoming link is a signal to Google that that page is worth mentioning (citing). With more links (and the right content), Google will rank your page above less cited pages.

Does link building work?

Yes, 100%. Links are the foundation. Without links, pages cannot be found or rated by search engines. This makes a top position in search results impossible (except for your brand name).

Can I outsource linkbuilding?

Link building is a delicate and time consuming task, therefore outsourcing link building is wise if you have no SEO experience or resources. At our partners you will find reliable companies that can take link building off your hands.

Do links from directories have any value?

Links from directories are easy to obtain. However, the value is limited due to lack of content, lack of relevance and hundreds of other outbound links. Only chase directory links that your online competitors have obtained. This way, your link profile will match that of your competitor. Then you can make the difference with other, (more) valuable links.

What are referring domains?

Referring domains are the websites from which you get an incoming link. You can get multiple backlinks from one website (think one or more links on different pages), but ideally you have a balance of inbound links and referring domains.

What is the median?

The median is the middle value in a series of numbers ranked by size. That is, 50% of the numbers are below the median and 50% of the numbers are above the median. The advantage of a median is that it is less sensitive to outliers than the mean.

Why use the median?

Because links are not about quantity, but quality. Outliers in the results are therefore not important, which is why we prefer the median. If you count all links equally, you can use the average.

What does an SEO do?

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization". An SEO (or SEO consultant) advises and helps you to increase the visibility of your website in search engines. Increased visibility means, more visitors, more inquiries and more customers.

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